Sue Muskat

Sue Muskat is a contemporary artist who lives and works in the Berkshires.

Muskat’s art career has evolved as she sought out opportunities to learn, including a trip to Italy to study art, architecture, and design. Later, the artist came to live, work, and study in New Haven, CT where she discovered the Yale University Art Gallery. The artist was fascinated by the Assyrian gypseous alabaster panels, and later expanded her studies to include Egyptian Hieroglyphics. The Joseph Albers Papers in the Yale University Library was another source of inspiration for the young artist. Through his series of letters and drafts of lectures Muskat began to firmly grasp Albers’ theory of color.

Muskat’s paintings reflect her past relationships with design, iconic imagery, historical artifacts, and most recently the intricate macro and micro designs in nature.


Timeless and Untrammeled, Acrylic and graphite on paper, 24 x 18 inches


Can't Go Wrong, Acrylic on paper, 9 x 9 inches


Mind the Gap, Acrylic on paper, 30 x 23 inches


 What You Are, Acrylic and graphite on paper, 24 x 18 inches


Fast and Furry-ous, Acrylic and graphite on paper, 22 x 22 inches


Olivetti 2, Acryla Gouache on panel, 16 x 20 inches, SOLD


Coiled, Acrylic on panel, 48 x 36 inches


Jason Middlebrook


Gina Occhiogrosso